EM Microelectronic Marin SA Apps

EM Tag Writer 1.3
EM Tag Writer allows to read and write NDEFcontent to any NFC tags.Here is all the features of the application:- Creating NDEF record of different type. Actually following recordtypes are supported:- Plain text- URI- Smartposter- Android Application Record- Business Card (Contact in VCard format)- Email- Reading NDEF record from a NFC tags and display it'scontent.- Writing NDEF record on NFC tags.- Copying NFC tag content to another NFC tags.- Appending NDEF record to another NFC tags which already has NDEFcontent.Additional information about EM Microelectronic Marin NFC IC'scan be found here: http://www.emmicroelectronic.com/products/rf-identification-security/nfc-high-frequency-ics
qID'EM Reader 1.5
The qID’EM Reader Android App is designed to easily demonstratethedifferent features of the EPC class-1 gen-2 tag ICs beingdevelopedby EM Microelectronic. The Android App works with the CAENqID'miniUHF reader. Please check CAEN website for moredetails:http://www.caenrfid.it/en/CaenProd.jsp?idmod=824&parent=61TheqID'EM RFID reader supports all EPC class 1 gen2 tags, butoffersenhanced user experience for the following tags: [EM4124]96bEPC/UII memory, 64b TID memory, low cost passive IC forSGTIN-96applications [EM4126] 208b EPC/UII memory, 32b TID memory,low costpassive IC for SGTIN-96 or SGTIN-198 applications [EM4324]96bEPC/UII memory, 64b TID memory, 720b User memory, passive or BAPICwith tamper detection for enhanced read range ore-sealapplications [EM4325] 352b EPC/UII memory, 256b TID memory,3072bUser memory, passive or BAP IC with embedded temperaturesensor,tamper detection, SPI serial interface or 4 GPIO pins forenhancedread range, temperature measurements, e-seal, sensor RFinterfaceor microcontroller RF interface applications [EM4423]128/224bEPC/UII memory, 96b TID memory, 1984b User memory. Thischipcombines two functionalities in one single die, theEPC/Raintechnology used for long range application purposes and theNFCused to exchange data in a proximity range. Both protocolsmayshare a common unique ID. The application presents two modesofoperation: 1) A scanning window with an automatic tagsorotingwhich natively supports the main UHF chips of the market(EM, Nxp,Impinj and other UHF/Rain ICs) 2) An Advanced taginformation areavailable by touching any inventoried EPC code. Thenew windowswhich will pop up are depending on the selected IC. Ifthe EM4325is in the field and selected for advanced information,the tabsare: a. "Tag Details" to get general information about theread tagb. "Memory Map" for a quick preview of each memory bankcontent.Read and Write of each unlock memory word are available. c."TempSensor" to set new settings for the BAP temperature monitoringd."Live Chart" to stream with the UHF dongle the BAPtemperaturemonitoring in a chart view e. "SPI Master" to send SPIdata to anSPI slave device. This tab appears only when the EM4325isconfigured as a full-duplex SPI master device. If the EM4423 isinthe field and selected for advanced information, the tabs are:a."Tag Details" to get general information about the read tagb."Memory Map" for a quick preview of each memory bank content.Readand Write of each unlock memory word are available. c."NDEFMessage" to interpret the NDEF contained in the tag memory. d."ECCVerification" to check the digital signature contained in thetagmemory. e. "Untraceable Command" to send untraceablecommandaccording to Gen2V2 spec.
EM NFC Info 1.5
Gives all common information about NFC tags.
EM4237 Pocket Reader 1.1.2
EM4237PocketReader APP enables anti-counterfeiting, brandprotection& tamper evidence services to large scale ofconsumers and widerange of industries and brands. Universal proofof identity andtamperproof embedded digital certificate convey theguarantee ofgood quality anywhere in the world. Interaction ofEM4237 NFCcompliant authenticator TAG embedding state of the artcrypto suiteGrain-128A security services for air interfacecommunications(ISO/IEC 29167-13:2015) with NFC-enabled terminalallow deploymentof strong trusted solutions in connected oroff-line use cases. Thisapp works together with a Bluetooth NFCreader. Please contact EMMicroelectronic for more informations.
POP'EM Reader 2.1.10
The POP’EM Reader Android App is designed to easily demonstratethedifferent features of the EPC class-1 gen-2 tag ICs beingdevelopedby EM Microelectronic. The Android App works with theArete POPsmart RFID dongle Reader for smartphone from the koreancompanyPhychip. The list compatible devices is monthly updated byPhychip.Please check Phychip website for moredetails:http://arete-mobile.com/arete_pop.html The POP’EM RFIDreadersupports all EPC class 1 gen2 tags, but offers enhanceduserexperience for the following tags: [EM4124] 96b EPC/UII memory,64bTID memory, low cost passive IC for SGTIN-96 applications[EM4126]208b EPC/UII memory, 32b TID memory, low cost passive ICforSGTIN-96 or SGTIN-198 applications [EM4324] 96b EPC/UII memory,64bTID memory, 720b User memory, passive or BAP IC withtamperdetection for enhanced read range or e-seal applications[EM4325]352b EPC/UII memory, 256b TID memory, 3072b User memory,passive orBAP IC with embedded temperature sensor, tamperdetection, SPIserial interface or 4 GPIO pins for enhanced readrange,temperature measurements, e-seal, sensor RF interfaceormicrocontroller RF interface applications [EM4423] 128/224bEPC/UIImemory, 96b TID memory, 1984b User memory. This chipcombines twofunctionalities in one single die, the EPC/Raintechnology used forlong range application purposes and the NFC usedto exchange datain a proximity range. Both protocols may share acommon unique ID.The application presents two modes of operation:1) A scanningwindow with an automatic tag soroting which nativelysupports themain UHF chips of the market (EM, Nxp, Impinj and otherUHF/RainICs) 2) An Advanced tag information are available bytouching anyinventoried EPC code. The new windows which will pop uparedepending on the selected IC. If the EM4325 is in the fieldandselected for advanced information, the tabs are: a. "TagDetails"to get general information about the read tag b. "MemoryMap" for aquick preview of each memory bank content. Read and Writeof eachunlock memory word are available. c. "Temp Sensor" to setnewsettings for the BAP temperature monitoring d. "Live Chart"tostream with the UHF dongle the BAP temperature monitoring inachart view e. "SPI Master" to send SPI data to an SPI slavedevice.This tab appears only when the EM4325 is configured asafull-duplex SPI master device. If the EM4423 is in the fieldandselected for advanced information, the tabs are: a. "TagDetails"to get general information about the read tag b. "MemoryMap" for aquick preview of each memory bank content. Read and Writeof eachunlock memory word are available. c. "NDEF Message" tointerpretthe NDEF contained in the tag memory. d. "ECCVerification" tocheck the digital signature contained in the tagmemory. e."Untraceable Command" to send untraceable commandaccording toGen2V2 spec. More informations about the POP'EM Demokitcan befoundhere:http://www.emmicroelectronic.com/products/rf-identification-security/rfid-tools-support/popem
EM Poster Illumination 1.3
Demon application showing capabilities of EM MicroelectroniccircuitNF4.